Friday, August 20, 2010

Building an invisible station for my invisible hype train OR MORE BIG PLANS WITH SHITTY RESULTS.

Here's the deal. I'm sick of lacking creativity. I'm really sick of not being able to "express" "myself" on the "internet". I mean really, how hard could it be?

The plan right now is to try & make some kind of playlist or something. Not exactly a mixtape or DJ mix, but something, something fun. Something bouncy & happy & obnoxious. Something for the people to play in the clubs when the nights about to peak. No not really. Honestly, I don't know what the hell I'm going to be doing. Mostly research for the time being.

If anyone wants to help, or submit any tracks or do anything awesome like that, then by all means, hook a nigga up. If not get the hell out of my way, it's time to make the homies say "Yeah."


Thursday, August 19, 2010


Forever ago I was introduced to these lovely mixes. Since then I've always had a soft spot for the headache inducing, hoover heavy, happier than a pig in shit genre of techno we all know as HAPPY HARDCORE.

So this entry will be all about that bullshit that makes anyone who's actually interested in techno look like a faggot & anyone who acts like they're too cool for school is about to get fucking taught. It all started in an IRC chat room several years ago. I was introduced to the Bonkers mixes by a friend & from there it was, well, all down hill. At the time I was a DDR player & music with such energy really appealed to me. Maybe it was the hoover-heavy hooks, or even just the constant drone of the kick drum. Whatever it was, I was fucking hooked.

Through the years my tastes have changed moderately; For example, from Hardcore I went to Breakcore by way of Venetian Snares. You've heard me go off about Snares several times now, so I'll keep it short: Snares was everything that hardcore was missing in my opinion. His music was dark, angry, sometimes violent, sometimes hilarious. It was all so wonderful back in these days. I'd spend hours in front of my computer getting high & listening to techno.

As the years progressed my musical influence did the same. I began drifting from the music I'd been listening to for more popular music that would make girls like me a bit more. Since I was a fat piece of shit, this didn't actually work & the only thing it really helped me with was to fill my hard drive with weekly new releases from varying pop punk bands. Who cares? I continued to expand my taste & eventually became the hipster you see before you today.

So why the fuck am I blogging about Hardcore Techno? Shouldn't I be discussing the many differences between Tobacco & Black Moth Super Rainbow? Maybe I could be reviewing a recent show, or even just a new record. Why am I writing about techno? Because I fucking love it.

Seriously. Techno is where the fuck it's at & I'm not fucking kidding you. The Bonkers mixes really are the pinnacle of hardcore, as far as I'm concerned. The synths, kicks, hooks & sampled lyrics just bring an energy about me that I'm not sure is healthy, but god damn if it doesn't make me a bit more productive. Maybe it's because I installed a pair of robot ears, or maybe it's just because I really am a cock-chugging sissy faggot. Whatever the reason, I fucking love this shit.

No really.

So, I kind of don't really know exactly where to go with this. I could go on & on about how hardcore DJ's put so much into their sets, or how almost every few months another Bonkers mix is released, or how I fucking LOVE HARDCORE. HARDCORE UNTIL I DIE. THE FUCKING END.

Here's a picture of my favorite hardcore DJ; Scott Brown!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

File's done!

Good morning internetterverses. Welcome to the Social Networking Revolution. As of right now, my twitter is linked to this blog. This blog, along with my twitter are also linked to my tumblr account []. What that means for those of you reading this [I know, there are so many of you reading this that I should be posting about this] is that if you'd like to read a more robust version of my blog you can change your bookmark to HTTP://DSTS.TUMBLR.COM from there you can enjoy a much nicer looking blog, more blog posts & more importantly some much needed comedy.

Okay, so now that we've got that out of the way, let's talk about something very near & dear to my heart; Headphones. I fucking love headphones. There's no question about it, headphones are the shit & that's that. However, I've noticed a disturbing trend that's been emerging somewhat lately. People are paying more than $25 on a pair of headphones because they're bright & colorful. Yes, Skullcandy: I'm looking at you. I don't care how you try to justify it, there's no reason for anyone to be paying that much for anything that's not professional quality (ie: Seinheisser, Sony, etc) & in my opinion the plastic pieces of shit that Skullcandy makes are not professional.

Realistically, if you're worrying about sound quality you really should be looking into high quality mp3s & a good sound card. For the most part people are getting the standard bitrate mp4s from iTunes & using their iPod/Phone/Pad to play them which is fine, but if you're going to be paying through the roof for a pair of headphones & legal mp4s wouldn't you at least want them to sound good? Honestly, the sad truth is kids are out there downloading sub-par mp3s & mp4s with shit ass bitrate & thinking they sound /great/ because of the headphones.

Who cares?
Not I.