Tuesday, May 19, 2009

seriously ya'll it's been too long.

it's so hot in provvy dance that it rains boiling water

What Cheer?
Dan Deacon Ensemble
Teeth Mountain
Special Super Secret Guests JAVELIN
& etc

Located in various parts of the wonderful city of Providence, Rhode Island, this two show extravaganza was just off the fucking hook. I took notes & also managed to interview Samuel of Future Islands fame. This isnt going to be one of those articles about how the music was precise & blah blah blah nono, this is going to be about how these musicians & this scene is what keeps me interested in music, art, & this fucking state. Keeping it alive & well is something we must do. Too often performance spaces are being shut down or even destroyed & it's just not worth it to me. seriously, i'd choose fort thunder over shaws supermarkets any day.

but this isnt that article either.

this is stuff i wrote into my phone that day
"okay guys its that time again, dan deacon & his loveable cast of baltimore bad boys are back. first there was the show at risd, scheduled to be outside but moved into an auditorium due to rain. the rain did not stop the what cheer? brigade from doing their thing all over market square. excellent energetic performance from these guys, A++ would see again.

the brigade led us inside where dan warmed us up & then we were off. I missed the last few songs due to being in a 2 hour parking zone & not wanting to get a ticket, turns out I was in a loading zone & got a ticket anyway. right on! either way he played get older, baltihorse, paddling ghost & I managed to catch the end of woof woof & most of of the mountains during a soundcheck.

I guess overall I was pissed because while one of the members of the crew, geoff, said we could park in the lot where the show was being held, & while he watched me battle the jeep into the spot as soon as I got out of the car he walked over & told me I had to leave. thanks dickbag. fuck providence cops. here's hoping that the late show doesn't get busted or something stupid."

lol foreshadowing. arrived at secret hipster warehouse with the posse in effect cold rippin up the set, talked with geoff about the oil situation & eventually met up with sam to do my interview. what follows next is what i wrote into my phone because i suck & dont have any serious recording equipment currently.

first & most importantly i'd like to let you all know that typically samuel smokes his own rolled bali shag cigarettes however on that night he was smoking a different type of tobacco that was not as good, either way his first statement was that smoking during an interview is cool. so there you have it.

what was the inspiration for the song old friend?
its a song about me talking to myself, finding yourself as an old friend when you have time to yourself.
it was inspired by a lot of different things such as leaving greenville & getting better, getting out of that scene & getting clean. starting over.

growing up what kind of music did you listen you & what influenced you today as a musician?
underground early 90s hiphop & roots. krs one, erik b rakim. in high school, hip hop & jazz. radiohead & spoon, neutral milk hotel end of high school. really into elton john as a kid, danzig & primus at 10 & 11. hip hop
is really what influenced me.

how do you feel about providence & personally what's your favorite venue in this area?
I fucking love providence, but in the beginning it was really different. last years show got us to more spaces in providence but before that we didn't really play here too often. though, i really love narwhal arms but it's not called that anymore.

the kids are very artsy & dirty & i love that vibe.

what's next for you guys?
after the tour we're touring europe for 10 days & then writing the rest of our upcoming album. we've got 5 songs that are to be for the album, we're gonna have about a week to record the album. recording in the first week of july, totally stoked. we wrote a lot of new songs on tours last year in the us & europe & we've been playing the new songs ever since. they're already getting kinda old but I can't wait to hear how they turn out in the end

so if smoking is cool then you're going to love what happened next.
after the interview was over Sam gave me a beer & we hung out on the bus for a little while longer just generally bullshitting. over all it was really cool & eventually some pretty cool people made their way to the bus, not to name drop or anything but I know that I smoked pot with BennyAdventure & Andrew Burt [OF TEETH MOUNTAIN] as well as my cold chillin krew & a bunch of other people on the bus.

eventually the show started & i heard teeth mountain, they're actually really really good but quite undescribable, i'll just leave it at the fact that Andrew OF TEETH MOUNTAIN is a pretty cool guy & everything about the whole show was just extremely chill & awesome, as andrew said "STAY CHILL"

Future Islands came on & it was just awesome, Manny was rocking face there again & I was totally pumped to see him & his crew just because he's at all the Future Islands shows, just like me & we always bump into each other. Dancing all over the place & generally just having a great time, Future Islands always puts on a fantastic show, & while I know the new record will be worth it, it's going to be sad to not be seeing them as much.

Javelin played & it was pretty cool but they didnt play soda popinski [or i missed it due to being on the bus smoking weed] HOWEVER, I did get to hear a completely fantastic live remix with vocals by Sam of Flicker & Flutter. Honestly, it was one of the musical highlights of the night, I think they should consider recording it.


Around 12:30 I guess Dan Deacon started to play & I was there to get pictures & video, though I dont really know how to upload any of that [other than the pictures which i'll see what i can do because lol cameraphone] so we'll just talk. Started the performance all warmed up since the early show & we were off, he played Get Older again & Red F. I cant remember much else but I do remember that right as he was going to play Silent Like The Wind the police had entered the parking lot & were trying to clear it out because a lot of people were trying to get in or something.

See, the show wasnt really supposed to be public, I dont think either way the building filled up & the bouncers if you could call them that were basically like "well, it's full right now so you cant come in without a stamp but if people leave...", so theres a bunch of people just standing outside pretty much & the Police show up & are trying to get kids to leave so we're trying to be really quiet & it's sort of working so Dan decides to lead the group in a rendition of feliz navidad which went over well until the drummers started to play, despite stopping a minute later the cops were on their way upstairs. A friend of mine from the back watched the police officer go from stone faced cool guy to HOLY FUCKING GOD HOW ARE THERE THIS MANY FUCKING OH MY GOD.

Either way, we all got kicked out & went home for the night. Dan gave me a hug for the bad luck I'd been having with his shows that day, but over all it was one of the better concerts this year. But they're all the better concerts this year. Everything is beautiful here & I love it.

Dont go changing.

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